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The growing need to meet regulatory and statutory mandate are compelling organisation to examine their business relationships with supply chain to assess material risk, optimise investment, increase oversight and meet legal and compliance demands. The reliance on these third parties heightens the organization’s risk profile whether it be legal, operational, regulatory or even technical risks, that are often complex and costly. To us, third-party risk assessment goes beyond a tick-box exercise, we diagnose & present real issues material to your business need.
At Digital Crest, we work with trusted partners to help you identify, quantify, and mitigate third-party risk with in-depth assessment services. Our approach to third-party risk assessment is consistent with the shared assessment framework which provides best practices, solutions and toolkit for third party risk management with a view to promoting assurance of outsources services and its vendors.
We utilize the SIG questionnaire- a comprehensive set of questionnaires to gather information to determine how security risk are managed across 18 risk domains within a service provider’s environment. The content library is consistent with industry standards and the NIST Cybersecurity frameworks. Our Experts and Consultants have completed hundreds of assessments and understand risk in its entirety. We engage stakeholders, conduct assessment, verify existing controls, produce report and support remediation plans.
Evaluate controls gaps, cyber & technology risk, disaster recovery capabilities, access controls, onboarding activities, cloud environments and review policy sets. Our privacy toolkit helps to identify and guide the use of personal information handled by third party, in line with the EU general data protection regulation (GDPR), we operationalize privacy by design in our assessment. Using a robust and automated suite of data protection toolkit, we efficiently achieve privacy by design as an organizational reflex.