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Application Security Assessment (ASA) is an integral part of our software development lifecycle and a functional requirement woven into the roles and responsibilities for program managers, developers, and testers, with the aim of improving security. We recognise that no one size fits all development approaches, as such we adopt agile methods tightly integrating development and operations to create a multi discipline team with shared and efficient practices and toolkit to enable fast and continuous delivery of value to our clients.


Our team of engineers and developers take a holistic view of software development lifecycle (SDLC) and associated security requirements, to evaluate the future state. Our assessment incorporates an agnostic ‘security by design’ model focused on application development to ensure security, privacy and trust across development phases.




Source code scanning is implemented as part of the Static Application Security Testing (SAST). SAST is used for scanning the source code repository, usually the master branch, identifying vulnerabilities and performing software composition analysis. It can be integrated into existing CI/CD processes.


Dynamic Application Scanning Tools are designed to scan the staging and production website in running state, analyse input fields, forms, and numerous aspects of the web application against vulnerabilities.


IDE integration and static code analysis plugin allows the developer to have an enhanced view of the problems in the code within the integrated development environment. This provides an effective way to optimize and mitigate vulnerabilities straight away without needing to leave the development environment.


All binaries must be scanned for security issues derived from the coding checklist, and then the binaries must be digitally signed. The digital signature is treated in the same fashion as the metadata. Only signed binaries can be used and implemented, thus ensuring the correct level of security signoff.

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Most security scanners now provide a compliance module that allows you to import your template. These predefined templates once instantiated can be checked for any delta against the pre-deployment scans to identify any changes which may introduce security threats. This should be achieved by using API integration for obvious automation purposes.

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Use threat modelling to identify security vulnerabilities, determine risk, and mitigate. Carefully selected tools and intelligent automation that’s integrated into the IDE environments. The tools used as part of a secure DevOps workflow must be integrated into the CI/CD pipeline, requires less expertise and eliminates high false-positive rate of reporting issues.


Scanning for credentials and other sensitive content in source files is necessary during pre-commit as they reduce the risk of propagating the sensitive information into your team’s CI/CD process. Instead of storing sensitive keys in code, consider using a bring-your-own-key (BYOK) solution that generates keys using a hardware security module (HSM).

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Monitoring applications, infrastructure, and network with advanced analytics helps uncover security and performance issues. Utilizing continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices paired with monitoring tools, we gain better visibility into application health and proactively identify and mitigate risks to reduce exposure to attacks. Monitoring is also an essential part of supporting a defense-in-depth strategy and can reduces mean time to identify (MTTI) and mean time to contain (MTTC) metrics.


Training is key to success. Ensuring continuous training and learning understands the attacker’s perspective, their goals, and how they exploit coding and configuration mistakes, or architectural weaknesses will help capture the attention of everyone and raise the collective knowledge bar.

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